News Release

2025 New Year's Message from Kancho Shokei Matsui

Happy New Year. Thank you for your continuous support of the International Karate Organization KYOKUSHINKAIKAN. 


In 2023, we organized our pinnacle every-4-year event, the 13th World Open Karate Championships to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN founder, Sosai Masutatsu Oyama's birth. Year 2024 marked the 60thanniversary of the establishment of IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN, and 30 years since I succeeded the IKO. With your support since, we not only maintained all IKO annual events, but have launched several new endeavors to celebrate the diversity and strength of our membership, and continue our forward momentum. 


As we embark on this new era, it is a good opportunity for me to reflect on the past, how to lead our organization into the future, and how best to pass it down to the next generation. I expressed my thoughts in detail on our @KYOKUSHINKAIKANMOV YouTube Channel - I hope you can learn more there.


Sosai Masutatsu Oyama's life was full of ups and downs, yet during his lifetime, he established the Strongest Karate, and the greatest martial arts organization IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN. The KYOKUSHIN Spirit is to, "Keep your head low, eyes high, reserved in speech, be kind in heart and base yourself on filial piety and benefit others." To realize this Spirit, we must embody it, "Without real experience, there is no proof. Without proof, there is not trust. Without trust, there is no respect." KYOKUSHIN Karate is an unpretentious, pragmatic martial art. We practice realistic fighting, and value authentic experience. 


Our ultimate goal for the KYOKUSHINKAIKAN, through the wisdom of Budo Karate, is to develop generations of Karate-ka around the world, to respect our family and lineage, have compassion for our neighbors, contribute to society, and ultimately, achieve World Peace. 


Year 2025 marks the start of the IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN for the next decade milestone. I am pleased to announce that we will resume The 7th World Weight Category Karate Championships in April 2025, after an 8-year hiatus. Then in 2027, we will usher in the next chapter of the IKO, with the presentation of The 14th World Open Karate Championships. Throughout our efforts, our ultimate goal is always, World Peace. 


I would like to make one essential point clear, the IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN is not an organization focused solely on competitions, but rather, a Budo organization. Budo is a discipline, and our way of life. Sosai Oyama always stated that, basics ought to be grounded yet adaptable, kata should be realistic with purpose, and fighting should be gracious with beauty. KYOKUSHIN Karate is practiced with ethics and sincerity. Based on Sosai's ideals, our competitions illustrate KYOKUSHIN beautifully, with skill and grace. And competitions exemplify our Budo Spirit and principles, while maintaining the safety and health of competitors. IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN competitions are opportunities for members to implement the results of their daily training, alongside their peers, to further these principles.


As we welcome in the New Year 2025, international conflicts continue, and society is in a constant state of uncertainty. Under these circumstances, it is important for us to maintain a safe and healthy life. As we go forward into the future, we, IKO KYOKUSHINKAIKAN, will continue to contribute to society through the wisdom of Budo Karate. 


I wish all of you a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.




Kancho Shokei Matsui

President, International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan


January 1, 2025

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