Scandinavian Winter Camp
- 2024-02-09
The 1st Scandinavian Winter Camp was organized jointly by Norway Branch Chief Sensei Marius Ommedal and Sweden Dojo Operator Sensei Andrew Ho from February 2nd to 4th in Uppsala, Sweden. Shihan Inma Marquez, IKO Spain Branch Chief, led the camp with focusing on Kihon, Ido, Kata with bunkai applications, and kumite combinations. New updates for Kanku, Sushiho, Tekki Sono Ni, and Tekki Sono San were covered during the 5 training sessions over 3 days. Kyu examination was conducted for members of IKO Sweden and Norway. 54 participants from Belgium, France, Netherlands, Spain, England, Poland, Finland, Norway and Sweden, enjoyed the camp. IKO Sweden and IKO Norway would like to thank all participants for their efforts and will continue working towards growth of IKO in Scandinavia.