News Release

1st International Children and Youth Tournament in Reunion

2012-09-30 13.16.29.jpgOn September 29th, The 1st International Children and Youth Tournament Karate Kyokushin was held in St. Denis, Réunion, organized by local host Senpai Jean-Luc Vedapodagom. IKO President Kancho Shokei Matsui, IKO International Committee Representatives, Shihan Kenny Uytenbogaardt and Shihan Katsuhito Gorai, oversaw this inaugural event on the French island in the Indian Ocean. More than 100 enthusiastic children 6 to 17 years old from the region, as well as from South Africa, Seychelles, and Mauritius, participated.
On September 30th, Kancho Shokei Matsui conducted an IKO Youth Training Seminar in which many Réunion children attended, making the most of the rare opportunity to train face to face with Kancho. Kancho focused on the importance of the meaning of "Osu": Patience, Respect and Perseverance; and he encouraged all the children to train hard and grow to be peaceful, truthful and strong.
Réunion is a beautifully situated east of Madagascar. It is similar to Hawai'i, surrounded by warm tropical water and with an active volcano. Local host Senpai Jean-Luc Vedapodagom was a former French champion and organized this international event for the first time in this French region. He will focus on teaching and the further development of Kyokushin in Réunion.







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