News Release

2011 IKO Los Angeles Seminar

The 2011 IKO Los Angeles Seminar was held in Manhattan Beach, California, USA on September 10 & 11, organized by Los Angeles Branch Chief Sensei Patrick Fard. Approximately 100 IKO members of all ages, as well as regional Sensei's, Shihan's and Black Belts from the USA and Canada participated in this annual event, led by Shihan Katsuhito Gorai. Kihon, Ido, Kata, fighting techniques and self-defense were covered, as well as the philosophical aspects of Kyokushin were stressed. The last day of the seminar, Sunday, September 11th marked the 10th Anniversary of the tragic terrorist attacks in USA. Before training, and to remember the lives lost that day, all blackbelts gathered on the beach at 5:46am on the morning on 9/11 in do-gi to lower their heads in a moment of silence as the sun rose over the Pacific ocean. Osu




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